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Get started with IDP

Hi there! This guide assumes that you are new to the Harness Internal Developer Portal (IDP) module and want to get started with it. The getting started guide is designed to be a Proof of Concept (POC) or Proof of Value (POV) which usually takes a sprint to complete by a platform engineer.

By completing this guide, you will get an understanding of how IDP works and its different features, and you can start to think about how you can adopt an IDP in your organization. Here's the list of steps for getting started with IDP.

1.1SetupSet up IDP with a Git connector needed to carry out the rest of onboardingDocs
1.2(Optional) Import services from Harness CDDocs
2.1Explore Software CatalogCreate User Groups for the teams with team members in it. Skip if you already have a Harness User Group representing a team.Docs
2.2Register/Update Services with Owner defined
2.3Register an API with existing OpenAPI definitionDocs
2.4Create a System entity and update Services and APIs to be a part of the systemDocs
2.5Create a Domain and update the System to be part of the DomainDocs
2.6Add Service to Service and Service to API dependencies
2.7Enable markdown docs for a ServiceDocs
3.1Create Self Service WorkflowCreate a new service Onboarding pipeline which creates a new repo with cookiecutter hello world code and registers the new component back in the Software Catalog
4.1Enable a PluginGo to IDP Admin -> Plugins and follow the docs of the chosen plugin to enable and configure it.
5.1Create a Scorecard to measure service maturityUse the existing available checks to create a new Service Maturity Scorecard

Let us start with learning what IDP does, head over to Harness IDP Overview.