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This section describes the Harness Chaos Engineering (HCE) CLI API and its usage.


HCE SAAS API is a tool to introduce chaos experiments into your environment. This allows you to test the resilience of your systems and applications.

Why use the HCE SAAS API?

  • The CLI helps you easily simulate various failure scenarios and observe how your services behave under stress. This helps uncover potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your system.

  • It simplifies the process of executing complex API commands in your CI (Continuous Integration) pipelines. This helps in the seamless integration of the HCE platform with any CI tool, such as Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub Actions, and more.

  • It provides an efficient way to define and execute chaos experiments on your APIs, making it a valuable tool for ensuring the robustness and reliability of your applications in production environments.

How to install the API?

HCE offers pre-compiled binaries available for download.

For Linux:

  • For AMD64 / x86_64:
[ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && curl -Lo ./hce_cli_api
  • For Arm64:
[ $(uname -m) = aarch64 ] && curl -Lo ./hce_cli_api
  • After downloading, add execution permissions and move it to your binary installation directory:
chmod +x ./hce_cli_api
sudo mv ./hce_cli_api /usr/local/bin/hce_cli_api

For MacOS:

  • For Intel Macs:
[ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && curl -Lo ./hce_cli_api
  • For M1 / ARM Macs:
[ $(uname -m) = arm64 ] && curl -Lo ./hce_cli_api
  • After downloading, add execution permissions and move it to your binary installation directory:
chmod +x ./hce_cli_api
mv ./hce_cli_api /some-dir-in-your-PATH/hce_cli_api

How to use the API?

The HCE SAAS API provides a command-line interface (CLI) to launch and monitor chaos experiments and validate the resilience scores of workflows. The available commands are listed below:

Launch chaos experiment

To re-launch a chaos experiment workflow:

$ ./hce-cli generate --api launch-experiment --account-id <account-id> --project-id <project-id> --workflow-id <workflow-id> --api-key <api-key> --file-name <file-name>

You can replace <account-id>, <project-id>, <workflow-id>, <api-key>, and <file-name> with the appropriate values for your environment. This CLI command generates an API command in the <file-name> file, which is used to re-launch the chaos experiment workflow.

Monitor chaos experiment

To monitor a running chaos experiment workflow:

$ ./hce-cli generate --api monitor-experiment --account-id <account-id> --project-id <project-id> --api-key <api-key> --delay <delay> --timeout <timeout> --notifyID <notifyID>

Replace <account-id>, <project-id>, <api-key>, <delay>, <timeout>, and <notifyID> with the appropriate values for your environment. This command monitors the specified chaos experiment workflow and provide updates on the experiment's progress.

Validate resilience score

To validate the resilience score of a completed chaos experiment workflow:

$ ./hce-cli generate --api validate-resilience-score --account-id <account-id> --project-id <project-id> --api-key <api-key> --notifyID <notifyID>

Replace <account-id>, <project-id>, <api-key>, and <notifyID> with the appropriate values for your environment. This command generates an API command to validate the resilience score of the specified workflow.


Described below are the flags available for the HCE SAAS API.

  • --api: Set the name of the target API (mandatory).
  • --account-id: Set the account ID (mandatory).
  • --project-id: Set the HCE project ID (mandatory).
  • --workflow-id: Set the workflow ID (mandatory for some APIs; a default dummy value is provided).
  • --notifyID: Set the notify ID (mandatory for some APIs; should be derived from the response launch-chaos).
  • --api-key: Set the API key (mandatory).
  • --file-name: Set the target file name that contains the API command (mandatory for some APIs; default value provided is
  • --delay: Set the delay provided for multiple iterations (a mandatory value of 2s is provided for some APIs).
  • --timeout: Set the timeout provided for multiple iterations (a mandatory value of 180s is provided for some APIs).